Sunday, October 16, 2011

two million minutes. (perspective of the "average" american)

in watching two million minutes i became annoyed and i felt very guilty. i also felt inspired. i know how hard some people work in school, and i know how much some people slack. the difference is night and day. i am definitely in-between. i do go home some nights and just fall asleep after practice instead of doing the homework that's due, and usually i find a way to get away with it. i could coast by most of my classes without saying a word in each in an entire day. i've gone through days of math without taking my book out once and the teacher never said a word to me. i'm hoping she didn't notice, but what if she did? i still don't think she would have said anything to me. i think part of the problem with education in school is that students have been allowed to think they can get by with the bare minimum. i can say all i've done is the bare minimum this year so far... and i'm getting by. all b's, grades some would be honored to have. i know i can do better, but habit overrides motivation in me, and i continue to slack. just like there are two different kinds of students, i have had two different kinds of teachers. mrs. decker, my old creative writing teacher, gave me a whole new opinion about teachers. she actually cared about every one of her students, taking the time to make sure people were LEARNING things. she didn't care if she had to stop class and explain something to a lost student as long as he or she got it in the end. she didn't fill extra class time with useless acticities, everything was for a purpose. on the other hand, i've had teachers... who will go unnamed... that only care about, well, i can't really say what they care about. but i can tell you they are not interested in if their students actually understand what is being taught. i had another math teacher last year that wouldn't answer questions during class, he would make them stay after to ask them. math is a subject you just can't do that in. if i didn't get something in the beginning of class, i zoned out for the rest of the hour because there was no use in listening to something i didn't understand. i've also had teachers that look at me after i ask a question with a look that says: that was the dumbest thing i've ever heard, why are you in here? uhhh... that does not motivate me to ask another question.
students need to start caring about their education more, and some teachers need to care about their students education. it's a cycle, if the students can't do their jobs, the teachers can't do theirs. if the teachers aren't doing their jobs, the students can't do theirs, either.

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